
Security Creation For Your Business

Business security should never be a series of reactive decisions made by upper management. Senior stakeholders and investors may decide their future with the business based on their confidence in the internal and external security protocols. Organisations have crumbled due to security breaches, because the costs associated with poor security can be crippling. Here are our top tips for defining and implementing security processes from the top down.

1. Involve All Senior Stakeholders

Security is not something to assign to one individual and forgotten about by everyone else. Make sure all senior managers and directors are aware of the importance of robust security. These are the people who need to communicate the reasoning behind any security changes to staff and ensure that security and safety becomes part of the culture of the business.

2. Communicate Commercial Outcomes

All your businesses security initiatives should be associated with tangible financial outcomes. Through showing everyone in the organisation that this is not a ‘change for the sake of change’, the reason for the modification becomes understood. By communicating the value of the change, your team members will be more likely to see the importance of implementing and managing the new procedures. In turn, communicating will help to reduce breaches and attempted attacks.

3. Constantly Be Improving

As mentioned in item 1 – security is not one person’s responsibility. Implement a group wide policy that allows all team members to be involved. Set up a system that encourages people at all levels of the organisation to point out potential shortcomings and reward those who show enough initiative to do so. This way, any weak spots or improvements to your security system will be reported by those who are closest to them.

A robust business security system requires multiple aspects to be the most successful. This can involve strategic oversight, a robust communication strategy and a company-wide commitment to ensuring its effectiveness or improvement.

Infront provide a wide variety of security services to a vast range of industries. We draw on 20 years of experience to offer you these valuable, relevant and useful tips for you to implement in your business. Our real strength, however, is in evaluating and designing custom-fit security solution for your organisation.

To find out what Infront can do to help secure your business, head over to our Services page, or call us to arrange an obligation free chat on 07 3612 9999.

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